Sunday 29 December 2013

School Time Surprise - Diary Entry #5

May 19:
I sighed softly as I walked through the corridors of the dark blue zone, having had P.E first thing. My bag was full to the brim with all sorts of studying materials, my P.E bag added to that weight as I slung it over my shoulder. The girls who bullied me swarmed over as I sat in the canteen for the first time. I was sitting at one of the small round ones, only good for two maybe three people to sit at. The table felt immensely over crowded with the four girls plus me.
"Hey look, it's the loneliest little weirdo!" One of them cackled, the others joined in, saying things best not written about and to me. The continued this for a while, I tried to take no notice, but some of the things they said really hit home.

"Hey....leave my friend alone." My head shot up. That voice....that heavy, panting voice. Jeff was at my school. The girls turned and parted slightly, allowing me to see Jeff stood there, dressed in school uniform. He wore the black shoes and trousers with the dark navy blue shirt and jumper quite well, his carved smile hidden under layers and layers of makeup. His eyes seemed to have been harder to hide so he had just combed his black hair over them. The girls stared at him, at his hidden eyes, but didn't make a move to leave me alone.
"No, we won't." The ringleader said, stepping forwards. "Who the heck are you anyway? Her emo boyfriend?" They all laughed at this taunt, but Jeff just stepped forwards.

"Yes.....I'm her 'emo' boyfriend."
I stared at him just like the other girls. "Now," he said calmly and clearly. "Sod off and leave her alone." They looked at each other and laughed before swarming off, clearly not knowing where they stand with Jeff.
Jeff grabbed a chair and pulled it up next to mine then sat facing me, the backrest between his legs. I scowled at him. "What?" He asked, genuinely surprised.
"I am not your girlfriend." I snapped, knowing how quick gossip spreads.
Jeff grinned and draped an arm around my shoulders like he had yesterday. "Well, according to rumours, you are." My face went bright red and I stared at him, really not happy about this.

The day was tedious at times, but mostly it was awesome, not that 'd admit that to anyone. Especially Jeff. Jeff was somehow in all my classes and sat next to me in all of them.

"Jeffery be quiet and stop talking with Charleen!" Mrs Derek shouted, clearly at the end of her tether. Jeff had been a nuisance from the moment he'd sat beside me. He wouldn't keep quiet and kept jabbing me in the sides, trying to tickle me. Connor Jordon scowled from the other side of the classroom. He'd tried to tickle me once in R.E but I'd stabbed him with my pen, which hurt a lot and drew blood. The pen had been a fine ball point ink pen and had a sharp nib.
Jeff scowled at Mrs Derek. "My name is Jeff, lady, get it right!" He snapped back.
Mrs Derek's face turned red and she snapped. "Get out of my classroom this instant!" She screamed, pointing at Jeff.

Jeff leapt up and grabbed his bag, which had been under the desk the whole time, not in the bag cupboards. "Gladly, though I'm taking Charleen with me." With that he dashed over to the bag cupboards, grabbed by back, dashed back and tipped all my things into it, zipped it up, swung it over his shoulder, and then grabbed me by the arm.
"You can't take her with you! I'll call duty!" Jeff just laughed and lead me out of the classroom and down the corridor.

Jeff draped his arm around my shoulder and grinned. "Last lesson. We can just head off home."
I rolled my eyes as he lead me out of the orange zone double doors and over the small patch of grass used to play football during break and lunch. He helped me climb over the fence then leapt over himself. We could hear teachers yelling in the distance as we crossed the two other fields, out of the school grounds.

By 'home', Jeff had meant my house, so it came to no surprise as I found myself trekking up the oh so familiar main road. Jeff slipped away and left me to face my foster parents alone, they didn't know that a serial killer was hanging around there house and following me about, so there was no use trying to blame someone else.

I slid into bed that night thoroughly exhausted, pulling my blankets up around my chin. Someone came in and leant over me, I could feel their breath hot on my cheek, I reached up to push them away, thinking it was my foster mum, but my fingers brushed against something that felt like leather. I shot up, not forgetting to hold to blanket around myself, and stared straight into Jeff's unblinking eyes.
"Jeff! What the heck are you doing in my room?!"
Jeff looked at me and grinned. "Good night." Something brushed against my forehead and he was gone, my curtains fluttering wildly.

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