Saturday 28 December 2013

Lunch With Jeff The Killer - Diary Entry #1

April 22:
Today I got permission to leave the school grounds for lunch as it was  my birthday. I could have taken a friend with me, but I didn't have many and preferred to walk and eat in peace and quiet. I stopped off and Mac Donald's and brought myself a chicken and bacon wrap. As I sat in the park, I noticed how eerily quiet it was. At first I thought it was empty, but then I peeked around the bush I was sitting behind and saw that everyone was just messing around by the small kiddies pool at the other end of the park, so I went back to eating.

I was taking a slurp of my cola when the bushes rustled and I heard I noise, it sounded like heavy breathing, or panting. Leaves crackled and sticks snapped, footsteps, coming from behind me . . . .
I turned around and leapt up, almost dropping the chips which I had only just started picking at and my drink. A tall, scraggly but slightly muscled guy in a white hoodie lumbered out of the bush, eyeing me and the food I held in my hands with hungry eyes. The hoodie was stained with blood and he held a knife in one hand, his chest rose and fell with a heavy rasping. He was the source of the panting noise. It was the face that did it, the bleached white face cut into an ever lasting smile with those black ringed dark eyes, I fell to my butt in shock, my knees having turned to jelly.
"J-Jeff the k-killer...." I blurted, unable to stop myself.
Jeff, for that is who it was, stared at the uneaten chips in my hands and the sweating can of cola.

"Y-you going to eat those....?" He asked in a raspy voice, gesturing at the chips with a twitching hand.
I shook my head and nervously held them out to him. "N-no, I never do..." I spoke sheepishly as he snatched them, gobbling them up so quickly he began to choke. Now, if it had been anybody else sitting there with a choking Jeff, they would have called the cops and ran, but not me, no. I'm too kind hearted for that, so instead of calling the cops or letting him choke to death, I shuffled over and tipped cola down his throat, washing the chips down.

Jeff stared at me for a moment as I began to move back before grabbing me by my arm and pressing his knife to my throat. "Go ..... to....-"
I cut him off before he could finish. "Yeah, yeah, go to sleep, I got it. Just hurry up and do it, I've got maths next."
This made Jeff stare at me even more. "You....what?"
"I've got maths next, you know, algebra and all that. I'd honestly rather be dead than sitting through Mrs Derek's maths lessons."
A small alarm on my new phone broke the silence that had been made while Jeff took that in.
"What's that?" He asked me suspiciously.
"That, is my alarm telling me I should start walking back to school for the last lesson of the day."
"Oh..." Jeff looked at me, then at the knife at my throat. "Alright....Thanks for the food.....and drink, I guess..." He pulled the knife away, stood and ran back through the trees.

I stood, feeling quite numb and sick with shock, picked up the rubbish and binned it as I made my way back to school.

*Closes diary*

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